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- By TripTips -

(The best resource I've ever created)

Improve your psychedelic trips

This is the ULTIMATE Guide To Using Psychedelics to get results

We already know psychedelics can be used like tools

But you have to know how to use a tool for it to work

And the better you are at using it
the better it works...

Let's uncover why some people benefit from psychedelics whilst others don't!

Hi, I'm TripTips ✌️

I’ve been in the psychedelic community for a long time now and every day I see too many people lose 99+% of the transformative value of their trips…


Psychedelics are the biggest catalysts to change I've ever found.

But whilst they're beautiful, profound things... They're also extremely tricky.


This was a struggle of mine, some of my trips were giving me years of therapy and growth in one day whilst others made life harder. It took me a lot of time, work and suffering before I learned how to actually "angle" these tools to get the outcomes I wanted.

 When I figured this out it changed everything.


Let’s get real for a minute, how many psychonauts actually have their life together?

Are happy? Are good people? Have discipline? Or are even on their way there?

If psychedelics are so powerful, why are these qualities still needles in a haystack??

The truth is even the basics and fundamentals of tripping for growth are largely unknown, let alone all the higher-level stuff, I'm still learning every day!

But the leverage and results tripping can provide is immense and life-changing in ways that are hard to grasp until you have it. Many of the most successful people you've ever heard of use psychedelics attribute their success to them, do you want to join?

So why get my help and not just do it yourself?

Before I ever created all this content, I was in your shoes, I actually paid for multiple psychedelic courses (all pricier than this one) but was disappointed...

As a result I decided to create my own, committing YEARS to creating the best, most affordable map for transformative trips, that covers EVERYTHING you need.


This product is the result, nothing fulfills me more than helping you achieve this 🌎❤️

This is the ultimate psychedelic course, with all the best psychedelic advice I've found through THOUSANDS of hours of online research, reading multiple psychedelic books, and talking to/deeply studying experts in the field 📚

Not to mention experiencing hundreds of trips myself to truly figure this out the best that I could

You'll get everything you need to dive into psychedelics effectively and efficiently both as a beginner AND as a veteran 🍄

So what are you gonna get?

Video 1

Video 2

(9 mins 18 secs)
(13 mins 7 secs)



Setting Intention
Setting Goals
Optimizing Dose
Optimizing the Substance
Optimizing Setting
Synergizing the Above

Video 3

Video 4

(12 mins 25 secs)
(11 mins 52 secs)


The Trip

All of my best and most effective tools to extract more value out of your experiences!
Unfortunately I can't list them here as that would totally give it away!
Inner Relationship
The Subconscious
The Come-up
The Peak
The Comedown
Post-Trip Optimization

Video 5

Video 6

(7 mins 12 secs)
(12 mins 32 secs)



The Afterglow
Optimizing Integration
Optimizing Momentum
Ego Backlash
The Trip Report
Following up

Achieving Goals
Planning future trips
Embodiment vs Wisdom
Other Crucial Info


+ Exclusive Info packed documents

- Extensive list of online psychedelic resources -
- A* Example Trip Reports - ​
- Fill in yourself integration templates
- Even MORE advice - ​

+ Access to private COmmunity

- Priority response to your questions from me personally -
- Make friends in a tribe of self-improving Psychonauts - ​
- Personalized advice, accountability and more! -


Is $99 worth having a better map
and guide for ALL of your future
psychedelic experiences??
Here's what you can expect
Taken from Video 4
(The Trip)
Taken from Video 2
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

⮞ How do I access the course and how long will I get access for?

You can have the course forever (it says 'until canceled' on the buy page but that means for life!)

You can access the course by signing in and clicking "Welcome" on the top right or using this link:

⮞ How many Discord messages will you respond to?

I'll get around to answering all of your questions provided it doesn't become too time consuming, of course, I cannot spend an unreasonable amount of time doing this as I also want to be always working on improving and adding content to the course!

⮞ Are there any refunds?

As you get full access to the course from the moment you buy it, we do not currently provide refunds outside of extenuating circumstances. Feel free to message me if that applies to you!

⮞ Do you provide further (1 on 1) support, coaching or advice?

I will be very soon but not yet formally. If you're interested in doing something right now you can email me and depending on your needs I will see if I can help.

⮞ I have a question not listed here, how can I contact you? 

You can contact me by sending an email to:

Please do not ask for personal advice via email, you can ask it on our public Discord server by adding @TripTips to your message:

⮞ Important Safety Disclaimer 

I do not think everyone would benefit from taking psychedelics nor do I promote their general use and I strongly advise against using psychedelics if you have underlying mental health or problematic medical issues. This product is for responsible userswho want to maximize safety, gain as much benefit as possible, and reduce any possible harm which helps everyone.

(the course will also guide you on how to do that)

What others have said

(We've had no bad reviews, I really doubt you'll be the first)

- Anonymous reviewer -

- Anonymous reviewer -

- Anonymous reviewer -

"Super awesome and Informative. Lays out the foundation for using psychedelics especially for growth. Same great triptips video format as well."

"This course has a lot of useful information and is very entertaining and enjoyed watching it all and teaches you how to get most of the trip."

"The course was very informative. Despite having spent well over a thousand hours researching psychedelics, there was still some new information here. Definitely will recommend to any newbies to psychedelics as this could explain in one hour what took me 1000+ to find"

These are all genuine reviews from people I've never met!

Of course I've kept everyone anonymous for obvious reasons

Ready for some big trip improvements?
Sign up to our email list below for 10% off
(no spam, we'll never share your info with anyone)

Welcome to the commmunity!


P.S. If you have disagreements with anything in this course, PLEASE message me about it!


I'm not just open to criticism and feedback, I actively seek it so we can add to/evolve this course over time with more and more perspectives

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